Alaska Conservation
Glacier Bay Sea Kayaks has long been an advocate for environmental conservation in Alaska. Its owners were instrumental in developing the original backcountry camping orientation for Glacier Bay kayakers, that outlines minimum impact and bear country camping techniques that work well in our particular environment. We continue to work closely with the NPS in relating Leave No Trace (LNT) information to campers, in addition to our kayak safety orientations.

Giving Back
Care and concern for our environment instills in us a strong commitment to give back in order to ensure our land and water provide for future generations. GBSK contributes one dollar per day of your trip with us to the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC), our local conservation organization. Read more about what SEACC does and consider joining us in supporting them!
Sustainable Tourism
Glacier Bay Sea Kayaks (GBSK), is dedicated to the enjoyment of Alaska’s wild lands, the conservation and protection of our environment and cultural heritage. Through efforts in wilderness preservation and developing sustainable ecotourism, it is GBSK’s goal that Alaska’s pristine wild lands may be enjoyed for generations to come. We encourage you to check out the following websites for more information on conservation organizations that we support and hope you will, too.

Friends of Glacier Bay (FOGB)
Keep informed on topics of concern by reading their Facebook page. This organization is dedicated to maintaining the ecological integrity of Glacier Bay.
Leave No Trace
Would you like to learn more about how to tip-toe through the wilderness? The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics promotes principles and skills that will help you minimize your impact on the land, wildlife and other back country visitors
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC)
The Tongass National Forest, surrounding Alaska’s Inside Passage, is a national treasure: one of the last forests of its kind in the world where old growth forests, brown bears, eagles, and wild salmon still thrive. Covering 17 million acres, over 1,000 islands, and stretching an area the length of Florida, the Tongass is America’s largest National Forest. This temperate rainforest provides a healthy, vital habitat for fish and wildlife, as well as world famous opportunities to fish, hunt, view wildlife and enjoy the quiet of nature. Conserving the Tongass National Forest will preserve this unique rainforest and Alaska’s outdoor heritage and way of life. Learn more about the local conservation organization in southeast Alaska that, since 1970, has successfully brought together diverse groups with the common interest of maintaining our quality of life by protecting critical habitat and supporting sustainable use of our area’s resources.

The Nature Conservancy
GBSK was happy to be a part of the effort when a group of local concerned Gustavus citizens worked closely with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to raise money and purchase and preserve over 3,000 acres of critical habitat in the Gustavus Forelands for the continued use and benefit of future generations