Alaska’s Best Adventure – Kayak Glacier Bay!
Glacier Bay Sea Kayaks is an NPS concession in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, that provides unguided backcountry kayak rentals for the independent kayaker, guided backcountry trips, and guided or unguided kayak day trips in Bartlett Cove. We are a small, locally owned business located in Gustavus, Alaska, that has been helping experienced, independent campers plan their multi-day kayak trips in Glacier Bay since 1978.
Experienced campers with a week or more can bring all their own food and equipment, rent kayaks, and enjoy a low-cost kayaking trip throughout the inlets and waterways of Glacier Bay. We can help you arrange any length trip you desire, though 5-10 days is the most common stay. We rent both double and single fiberglass sea touring kayaks, provide daily kayak instruction programs, arrange for transportation with the daily tour boat into the backcountry, and make air taxi and lodging reservations.
Our Guided Trips and Citizen Science backcountry kayak trips are tailored to the same independent camper willing to bring along their own camping gear, but with the added benefit of a more informative tour with an experienced naturalist and kayak guide at less cost than a fully outfitted tour.
For visitors staying at a local inn, lodge or bed & breakfast, we offer completely outfitted unguided (rentals) or guided day kayak adventures with full instruction. Day trips take place in the lower part of the bay’s Bartlett Cove. In this rainforest environment, you will paddle intimate, protected waterways and explore intertidal zones while viewing an abundance of wildlife.
Day Trips
Join us for a day of wildlife viewing in the protected waters of Bartlett Cove, headquarters for Glacier Bay National Park.
Backcountry Rentals
Experienced campers can rent kayaks for a low cost independent kayak adventure in Glacier Bay National Park.
Backcountry Trip Planning
Start here for important information to plan your Glacier Bay kayak trip.
Guided Backcountry Trips
A step up from backcountry rentals but not a fully outfitted tour, these trips include a knowledgeable Glacier Bay guide for a more informative experience.
About Us
Glacier Bay Sea Kayaks is owned and operated by long-time Alaskans, Bonnie & Hayden Kaden, Kara Berg, and Leah Okin. We have felt very fortunate to live the Alaska life, building homes and businesses, raising children, growing gardens, and benefiting from the rich bounty that the land and ocean of southeast Alaska provides.
Giving Back
Care and concern for our environment instills in us a strong commitment to give back in order to ensure our land and water provide for future generations. GBSK contributes one dollar per day of your trip with us to the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC), our local conservation organization. Read more about what SEACC does and consider joining us in supporting them!